Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 28/08/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 10 |
Copyright: Other |
Cosmos knows the meaning of maturity
FAR from ignoring the older market (Travel Weekly August 21 ), Cosmos, which has had its Golden Times air brochure in the marketplace for 10 years and which has been market leader in the escorted coach touring arena for decades, is one of very few operators actually actively listening to what the mature market really wants.A recent market research exercise amongst Cosmos and non-Cosmos customers aged between 45-60 years tells us the mature holidaymaker doesn’t want to be targeted or pigeonholed.
Choice and flexibility are what they are looking for and enough information to make informed decisions themselves about the right holiday for them. Of all our customers, they are the least happy to be singled out in the way Martin Smith would like.
Fast approaching our 40th birthday next year, we feel we know what maturity means.
Paul Riches Sales and marketing director
Cosmos Bromley