Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 04/09/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 10 |
Copyright: Other |
Thomson pulls wool over our eyes, again
I am outraged by the story about Thomson’s decision to drop underperforming retailers (Travel Weekly August 28).When Iworked for a Thomson Preferred Agent, we had a regular customer who we found out was part of Thomson’s shareholders club.
When the client said they wanted to book a cruise, we offered a Thomson product and they said they wanted the 10% discount offered by the shareholders club.
As a Preferred Agent we thought this wouldn’t be a problem.
We took all the details and contacted Thomson to confirm, only to be told the client could not book with us. They had to book with Lunn Poly.
When agents are asked to become Thomson Preferred Agents, we are promised this, that and the other but in reality they are just pulling the wool over our eyes.
Adrian Jones
Global Flight Centre