Why was Advantage president Roger Smith sitting left of centre at the ABTA Convention session on consortia?
Initially he gave the impression that all members of Advantage are part of the organisation allied to UKLG. It took Richard Carrick of Airtours to remind him that not all members were part of that alliance.
It is not sufficient for members to claim that they are impartial in giving clients advice. We, as independent travel agents, need to be seen to be independent and the use of the name Advantage by franchised members may one day prove detrimental to the non-franchisees.
The directors cannot wear two hats and it was clear from the conference which they are happiest with. Is it not time for the organisation to split and for them to go off and exploit their franchise scheme without the name Advantage?
Many long-established members think this but for some reason are reluctant to act.
A dis-Advantaged member