UK promotional budget for 2000: £650,000 for promotion involving tour operator and travel agent activities and another £1.5m on publicity.
Agent educationals: a number of fam trips throughout the year for key travel trade members.
Training initiatives: the Spain Specialist Programme is being developed for UK agents in 2000. It will comprise a correspondence course using CD-ROM and extensive questions.
Promotional material available: posters and leaflets on various regions of Spain.
Agents’ enquiry line: 020-7467 5506.
Contact details: Spanish Tourist Office, 22-23 Manchester Square, London W1M 5AP. Tel: 020-7486 8077 (general public enquiries); fax: 020-7486 8034.
Brochure line: 0990 1669920 (calls at 60p per min).
Web site:
Tour operators’ line: 020-7486 8028.