
The ATOL Protection Contribution explained

The important facts, figures and dates about the new £1-per-passenger ATOL Protection Contribution, which comes into force on April 1.

  • The £1 ATOL Protection Contribution will apply to all ATOL-protected sales from April 1 and must be included in holiday prices.

  • Small Business ATOL-holders licensed for up to 500 passengers a year will pay APC annually in advance. The first payment next April will be £500. Thereafter, payment will be based on numbers carried the previous year.

  • Full ATOL holders will pay monthly or quarterly, depending on their business size. A consultation will decide where the level is set, but it is likely to be 20,000-30,000 passengers a year. 

  • Passenger returns must be sent to the Civil Aviation Authority within 14 days of the due date (the first of the month).

  • Payments must be received within six weeks of the due date.

  • APC will be due from the moment a booking is made, not when the balance is paid. However, APC on phone bookings will be due when a client accepts the terms and conditions – normally sent by e-mail or post.

  • APC will be due on all cancelled bookings, since it offers financial protection from the moment of booking.

  • ATOL holders will pay about 1.2p per passenger for administrating the scheme.

  • The ATOL-renewal timetable will remain unchanged.

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