Thomas Cook Airlines faces the threat of a further three days of strike action by pilots if fresh talks fail.
The British Airline Pilots Association announced five days of talks at the conciliation service Acas at the end of the first UK pilots’ walkout in more than over 40 today.
Balpa warned of fresh strike days on September 23, 29 and October 6 if talks break down.
The Acas talks are set for September 12, 13, 15, 20 and 21.
Balpa general secretary Brian Strutton said: “I’m pleased that today’s strike by Thomas Cook pilots has kick-started negotiations.
“We will now focus on trying to make progress at five days of ACAS talks over the next two weeks.
“However, there is still a significant gap between us and Thomas Cook so we cannot assume that those talks will succeed. That’s why we’ve set new strike dates.
“We urge Thomas Cook to come to the Acase table with an acceptable offer so we won’t need to use them.”