
Britannic Travel’s successful project beats millennium bug

BRITANNIC Travel has completed a series of tests designed to make sure its technology systems are year 2000 compliant.

The business travel agency has been working on a year 2000 programme for two years and has just carried out a live booking for 2000.

Britannic put a team together with the specific aim to investigate the year 2000 issue and has tested, upgraded or replaced all equipment which could be affected.

IT director for the year 2000 project Richard Pemberton said:”Our main priority was to ensure no customer’s flight bookings would be lost over the millennium.

“We have checked our accounting, security and communication systems and have worked closely with suppliers to ensure they do not encounter problems which could affect us.

“The highlight of the year 2000 project has been making our first live year 2000 booking, which was 100% successful and proves that our systems are millennium-compliant.

“The New Year is always a busy time for business travellers, with bookings starting to roll in early, so rapid attention to the millennium bug threat was crucial.”

Britannic has been praised by Action 2000, the task force set up with government money to tackle the millennium bug.

Action 2000 managing director Gwynneth Flower said:”The travel industry will be in the spotlight over the New Year, especially as businesses look to book special corporate packages for millennium celebrations.

“Britannic has confronted the issue and committed resources to combat it. Travel companies should follow its example.”

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