
Winter sun destinations face travel alerts amid heightened Middle East conflict

Foreign Office travel alerts have been used for multiple countries across North Africa and the Gulf amid heightened conflict in the Middle East.

The warning included winter sun destinations such as Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia as well as the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Updated travel advice in the early hours of Sunday morning said: “Ongoing hostilities between Israel and Lebanon could escalate quickly and pose risks for the wider region.

“Monitor this travel advice and other media as the situation is changing fast.”

British travellers were advised to follow the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) on social media such as X, Facebook and Instagram.

It came as the European Commission and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) recommended that EU airlines should stop flying in Lebanese and Israeli airspace.

Most European airlines have suspended flights to Tel Aviv although El Al continues to serve London and other cities in Europe.

Issuing a Conflict Zone Information Bulletin (CZIB) on Saturday, the EASA said: “An overall intensification of air strikes and degradation in the security situation has been noted, impacting the safety of airspace over Israel and Lebanon.

“In that context, the European Commission and EASA have decided to issue CZIBs recommending not to operate within the airspaces of Lebanon and Israel at all flight levels. 

“The recommendation is valid until October 31, 2024 and can be reviewed earlier and adapted or withdrawn subject to the revised assessment.

“EASA will continue to closely monitor the situation, with a view to assess whether there is an increase or decrease of risks for EU aircraft operators as a result of the evolution of the threat.”   

Referring to Israel, where travel bans cover parts of the country around Gaza, the West Bank and the north bordering Lebanon, the FCDO said: “There is an ongoing conflict between Israel and Lebanese Hizballah. There are continued exchanges of rocket, drone and small arms fire from Lebanese Hizballah over Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. 

“Tensions are currently heightened following Israeli strikes in Beirut since 20 September.

“Cross-border attacks have increased since 21 September in northern Israel, including in Haifa, the Jezreel Valley, Krayot and other areas in the Galilee, including the lower Galilee. Since 25 September, rockets have also been fired on central Israel and central and northern West Bank.

“Whilst rocket fire has increased, strikes have largely been intercepted and there has not been significant damage to civilian infrastructure. 

“There remains a risk that these hostilities could escalate further, and with little warning. Restrictions may be put in place at short notice.”

The FCDO also warned British nationals to leave Israel and the Occupied Palestine Territories (OPTs) “if your reason to reman is not essential”.

“There is an increased risk of political tension which can cause demonstrations and clashes around anniversaries and significant events, including 7 October,” the advice added, referring to the Hamas terrorist attack in southern Israel almost a year ago.

“Hamas continues to launch rockets into Israel and the Israeli Defence Forces are conducting significant military activity in Gaza,” the FCDO said. 

“There is an ongoing risk of rocket attacks and other incidents of violence across Israel and the OPTs, including the West Bank, and increased military activity by the Israeli Defence Forces in Gaza and the West Bank. 

“Militia groups in Iraq and Yemen have also fired missiles and drones at Israel which have impacted different areas, including Eilat.”

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