Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 10/07/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 10 |
Copyright: Other |
Staffing crisis is affecting our business
Is it just us or is the whole of the travel industry in the same boat as us?We have run our city-centre agency on only two or three staff for the past three months. We have two other Going Places shops in our busy city centre.
We can’t even ask them to relieve our situation, because guess what? They have no staff either.
We have confronted our area sales manager about the problem but there is nothing that he can do.
It is very disappointing and demotivating knowing that we can’t spend enough quality time with all of our customers as there is an enormous amount of work waiting for us in the back office.
We haven’t even been able to clean the office for the past couple of weeks because there are not enough hours in the day for us to do all the things that we should normally be doing if we had enough staff.
We are doing six people’s jobs between the three of us and we are all feeling physically drained.
I think head office needsto address this problem andfast before we have no staff at all.
Maybe they should look at why people are leaving and sort it out.
A very tired Going Places employee in the north
n Travel Weekly would welcome a response from Going Places