Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 02/04/01 |
Author: | Page Number: 36 |
Copyright: Other |
Eastern Europedriving tips
* Take extra care in Russia – unless you speak the language or understand the alphabet, it can be difficult to read road signs.
* It is possible to get good deals on chauffeur-driven cars in Russia – rentalcompanies advise this is often a better option.
* Roads and road-side facilities may not be of the same standard as in other parts of Europe.
* Outside the main cities and suburbs, there are fewer facilities such as petrol stations.
* Ensure car doors are locked at all times and that luggage is never visible in the car.
* Countries such as the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Hungary have a zero alcohol limit. In Poland the limit is 20mg, compared with the UK’s 80mg.
* In the Czech and Slovak Republics, a motorway pass is required. Budget provides these with its rental vehicles.
* In Hungary, dippedheadlamps are compulsory at all times outside built-up areas.